Tuesday 4 June 2013

Haul June 2nd and 4th, 2013

Hey girls,

These are the things I bought at 2nd and 4th June 2013.

So, I just want to share with you :)

Shu Uemura makeup base and blush on
Revlon lipsticks
Etude House Nail Art Pens
Etude House Maskers (gifts)
Etude House quick dry drop (for nails)

Usually, I don't buy the revlon's stuffs and Etude house's stuffs. Because I don't really like with their product and I really rare to buy products from Korea. Except for skin food's nail polishes and eye makeup remover. They are quite nice and the price isn't so expensive. 

But for this time, I'll try. :)

For the Revlon's Lipsticks I knew it for the first time because of my cousin posted it on instagram. But, I didn't even think want to buy it consider I never buy Revlon's Stuffs. The main reason I don't want to buy Revlon's stuffs is for a long time ago, I bought gel eyeliner from Revlon. The black one. It's not so nice and I don't like it at all. I used it to my model and never tried it on myself. One day, I saw my friend used it and it smudged after few hours!!!

I decided to buy Revlon Lipstick when I saw my classmate used it yesterday. She said it's really nice and much moisturizer. She bought 5 of 8 colors!! And today I tried it to my hand one by one. My first impression is "hooo..not bad". So, I bought 2 colors (brown and pink) this noon. I'll try later. :D

I'll review as soon as possible after I tried them especially for Shu Uemura.

Noted: Maskers from Etude House are gifts. I didn't buy them.



  1. yippiiieee.. ^^ i'm success make you buy stuff from revlon
    racun ku berhasil berarti
    this time revlon balm stain serries quite successful cos they easy to bring and use ;)

  2. Buahahahaha.. yes!! You succeed.. LOL :p
